Avatar Chat Errors

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Avatar Chat Errors

Postby Guy71173cp » 14 Sep 2011, 19:29


I have a login system in my game. Recently, I've been expierencing errors. When I login, I get this error:

Internal error:
You haven't joined any rooms!
In order to interact with the server you should join at least one room.
Please consult the documentation for more infos.

I tried changing my game coding to the avatar chat example coding. I am joining a room. I still expierence the errors. How would I fix this? Thanks!

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Postby BigFIsh » 16 Sep 2011, 00:34

You probably forgot to get the room list. Please consult the examples provided in the online documentation for the proper workflow which is:

1. Connect
2. Login (needs to be successful)
3. Get Room list
4. After getting the room list, join room
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Postby Guy71173cp » 18 Sep 2011, 16:59

Hello BigFIsh,
Thank you for the quick answer. I changed my code to this:
smartfox.onExtensionResponse = function(resObj:Object) {
if (resObj._cmd == "logOK") {
_global.myName = resObj.name;
} else if (resObj._cmd == "logKO") {
serverstatus.text = "Error:" +resObj.error;

And I still get the error. It doesn't show any errors, but there is no avatar and whenever I type something in the chat box and press send, the error message appears in the output panel.
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Postby Guy71173cp » 18 Sep 2011, 20:44

It is fixed, but I now get this error:

Variables SET
myID : null
User Obj: undefined
Vars: undefined
px: undefined
py: undefined
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Postby BigFIsh » 19 Sep 2011, 00:08

That's not really an error :)

It is probably because you're not fetching the user's variable properly.

1. You need to join a room first in order to access user variables.
2. You can't access user variables in a Limbo room. Limbo room is designed to handle many many clients, so many events are supressed.

Furthermore, you could figure the problem by analyzing the incoming/outcoming messages. You should be able to see the variables.

I would also recommend looking at some of the tutorials for the proper workflow of fetching a user varaible.
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Postby Guy71173cp » 19 Sep 2011, 20:26


I went to the end of the chat coding, and added smartfox.setUserVariables() , but nothing happens. What should I do?
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Postby Guy71173cp » 23 Sep 2011, 19:33

Anybody have an answer?
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Postby BigFIsh » 23 Sep 2011, 23:15

I went to the end of the chat coding, and added smartfox.setUserVariables() , but nothing happens. What should I do?

Please refer to http://www.smartfoxserver.com/docs/docPages/as1/methods/setUserVariables.htm

Use the .debug flag for your SmartFoxClient instance to see what's going on. If there's nothing going out, then it is a problem on your client side. Probably because that method never got called. Please use breakpoints in flash and review the variables.
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Postby Guy71173cp » 25 Sep 2011, 16:06


I did what that said. I decided to use the default code for the game play (from avatar chat), and my own custom login. Codes:

Connect and login code:

[code]import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.*;
#include "lib/[flashAPI].as"
#include "lib/easingEquations.as"
#include "lib/easing.as"

var ip:String = "";
var port:Number = 9339;
var zone:String = "simpleChat";
var connected:Boolean = false;
userName._visible = false;
passWord._visible = false;
login_btn._visible = false;
var smartfox:SmartFoxClient = new SmartFoxClient();
smartfox.debug = true;
function connect() {
status.text = "Connecting";
smartfox.onConnection = function(success) {
if (success) {
status.text = "Successfully connected!";
connected = true;
userName._visible = true;
passWord._visible = true;
login_btn._visible = true;
login_btn.onRelease = sendLogin;
} else {
status.text = "Can't connect!";
function sendLogin() {
if (connected) {
if (userName.text != "") {
error.text = "";
status.text = "Logging in...";
smartfox.onExtensionResponse = function(resObj:Object) {
if (resObj._cmd == "logOK") {
_global.myName = resObj.name;
} else if (resObj._cmd == "logKO") {
status.text = "Error at login: "+resObj.error;

smartfox.onRoomListUpdate = function(roomList:Object) {
display.text = "Logged in as "+_global.myName;
smartfox.onConnectionLost = function() {
status.text = "Disconnected";
connected = false;
userName._visible = false;
passWord._visible = false;

smartfox.onExtensionResponse = function(resObj:Object) {

if (resObj._cmd == "logOK") {
status_txt.text = "Login Successful. Logging in..."
// Login Success Example Code
_global.myName = resObj.name
} else if (resObj._cmd == "logKO") {
// Login failed example code
status_txt.text = resObj.err;

function sendLogin()
if (!_global.isBusy)
smartfox.login(zone, login_txt.text)

/*function sendLogin() {
if (connected) {
if (login_txt.text != "") {
login_txt.text = "";
status_txt.text = "Logging in...";
butt_login.onRelease = sendLogin
smartfox.onExtensionResponse = function(resObj:Object) {
if (resObj._cmd == "logOK") {
_global.myName = resObj.name;
} else if (resObj._cmd == "logKO") {
status_txt.text = "Error at login: "+resObj.error;
status_txt.text = "Connected";

Handle login response from server

smartfox.onLogin = function(resObj:Object)
if (resObj.success)
// Login Succesfull
_global.myName = resObj.name
// Login Failed
_gloabl.isBusy = true

// Show an error window
var win:MovieClip = showWindow("errorWindow")
win.errorMsg.text = resObj.error

function loginUser(login_txt:String, password_txt:String){
if(login_txt.length != 0){

if(password_txt.length != 0){
_root.sfs.login("simpleChat", login_txt, password_txt);
} else {
trace("Your password cannot be 0 characters long");

// Handle the onRoomListUpdate here and keep it in the
// queue. We'll handle it in the next frame.
smartfox.onRoomListUpdate = function(o:Object)

// Handle unexpected server disconnection
smartfox.onConnectionLost = function()

// Show / Hides the login input field and submit button
function showLogin(bool:Boolean)
butt_login._visible = bool
login_txt._visible = bool
loginBox._visible = bool

if (bool)

// Shows a popup window and disables all other controls
function showWindow(linkageName:String):MovieClip
_global.isBusy = true

disabler._visible = true


var win = _root.attachMovie(linkageName, linkageName, 9999)

win._x = (stageW / 2) - (win._width / 2)
win._y = (stageH / 2) - (win._height / 2)

return win

// Hides a popup window and re-enable the controls
function hideWindow(wName:String)


disabler._visible = false
_global.isBusy = false

function deadClick () {

var myMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();

var copyrightNotice:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Donut Island Inc.", deadClick);
var mySiteLink:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Donut Island!", gotoMySite);
myMenu.customItems.push(mySiteLink, copyrightNotice);

_root.menu = myMenu;

function gotoMySite () {
getURL("http://www.donutisland.tk", "_top");
copyrightNotice.separatorBefore = true;

Game play:

import it.gotoandplay.smartfoxserver.*

// Setup components callback functions

// Setup textfields
userName_txt.text = "Logged as: " + _global.myName
input_txt.text = ""

// Setup global vars
var areaW:Number = 600 // width of the are where avatars can move
var areaH:Number = 335 // hieght of the are where avatars can move
var avatarW:Number = 40 // width of the avatar
var avatarH:Number = 40 // height of the avatar

var inited:Boolean = false // flag to see if the application has been initialized

var myAvatar:MovieClip // my Avatar symbol

// Setup Mouse Listener
var myMouse:Object = {}
myMouse.onMouseDown = function()
if (inited)
if (!_global.isBusy)
var px:Number = int(avatarMC._xmouse)
var py:Number = int(avatarMC._ymouse)

if ((px > avatarW/2) && (px < areaW - avatarW/2) && (py > avatarH/2) && (py < areaH - avatarH/2))
// save new variables
// Please note that init is set to false:
// this means that we're only moving somewhere and we don't need to init tha avatar
smartfox.setUserVariables({px:px, py:py, init:false})

// method derived from the [flashAPI].as
// moves the mc using the "Quint" equation, with "InOut" easying
// to the new px,py position in 100 milliseconds.
myAvatar.easingTo("Quint", "InOut", px, py, 100)

// Handles the RoomList response from server
// roomList is an array of room objects
// Each room objects has these methods:
// getId() = get room id
// getName() = get room name
// isPrivate() = is the room private ? (0 = false, 1 = true)
// isTemp() = is the room temporary ? (0 = false, 1 = true)
// isGame() = is the room holding a game ? (0 = false, 1 = true)
// getUserCount() = get # of users in the room
// getMaxUsers() = get capacity of the room
// getUser(id) = get the user Object from a known user id
// getUserList() = get the userList Object
// variables = a property Object containing all room variables
smartfox.onRoomListUpdate = function(roomList:Object)

for (var i:String in roomList)
var room = roomList[i]
roomList_lb.addItem(room.getName() + " (" + room.getUserCount() + ")", room.getId())
roomList_lb.sortItemsBy("label", "ASC")

// Join the default room

// Handle roomListUpdate events that occurred before the playhead was moved to this frame
if (evtQueue.length > 0)
delete evtQueue

// Handles the JoinRoom response
// Upon joining a room the client receives the userList of
// that room. By calling the getUserList() method on the
// room Object you get the userList Object
// You can use these methods on every user Object:
// getId() = get user unique id
// getName() = get user nickname
// variables = a property Object containing all user vars
smartfox.onJoinRoom = function(roomObj:Object)

var roomId:Number = roomObj.getId()
var userList:Object = roomObj.getUserList()


_global.currentRoom = roomObj

// Update Room Name in the avatar area
currentRoom.htmlText = "Current room: <b>" + roomObj.getName() + "</b>"

// Clear current list

for (var i:String in userList)
var user:User = userList[i]
var uName:String = user.getName()
var uId:Number = user.getId()

userList_lb.addItem(uName, uId)

if (uName != _global.myName)
var uVars:Object = user.getVariables()

var mc:MovieClip = avatarMC.attachMovie("avatar", "avatar_" + uId, Number(uId))
mc._x = uVars.px
mc._y = uVars.py
mc.name.text = uName

// Sort names
userList_lb.sortItemsBy("label", "ASC")


// Handles Join Room Errors
smartfox.onJoinRoomError = function(errorMsg)
var win:MovieClip = showWindow("errorWindow")
win.errorMsg.text = errorMsg

// Put the selected room in the combo box back to its old value

// Handles a new user entering the room
smartfox.onUserEnterRoom = function(fromRoom, user)
var userId:Number = user.getId()
var userName:String = user.getName()

// Add user to the userList listbox
userList_lb.addItem(userName, userId)

// Sort names
userList_lb.sortItemsBy("label", "ASC")


// Show the user avatar
var mc:MovieClip = avatarMC.attachMovie("avatar", "avatar_" + userId, userId)

mc._x = user.variables["px"]
mc._y = user.variables["py"]
mc.name.text = userName


// Handles a new user leaving the room
smartfox.onUserLeaveRoom = function(fromRoom:Number, usrId:Number)
for (var i:Number = 0; i < userList_lb.getLength(); i++)
var item:Object = userList_lb.getItemAt(i)

if (item.data == usrId)
var usrName:String = item.label

// Destroy avatar from screen
avatarMC["avatar_" + usrId].removeMovieClip()

// Sort names
userList_lb.sortItemsBy("label", "ASC")


// Handles a change of variables in User
smartfox.onUserVariablesUpdate = function(user:User)
var currRoom:Number = this.getActiveRoom()
var id:Number = user.getId()
var uVars:Object = user.getVariables()
var mc:MovieClip

if (uVars.init)
mc = avatarMC.attachMovie("avatar", "avatar_" + id, Number(id))

mc._x = uVars.px
mc._y = uVars.py
mc.name.text = user.getName()
mc = avatarMC["avatar_" + id]
mc.easingTo("Quint", "InOut", uVars.px, uVars.py, 100)


// Handles a user count change in the room
smartfox.onUserCountChange = function(roomObj:Room)

// Handles a public message
smartfox.onPublicMessage = function(msg:String, user:User)
var mc:MovieClip = avatarMC["avatar_" + user.getId()]

chat_txt.htmlText += "<b>[ " + user.getName() + " ]:</b> " + msg

if (msg.length > 50)
msg = msg.substring(0,48) + "..."

mc.bubble._visible = true
mc.bubble.message.text = msg

// Handles an admin message
smartfox.onAdminMessage = function(msg:String, user:User)
var mc:MovieClip = showWindow("adminWindow")
mc.errorMsg.text += msg + "\n"

// Handles a new room added to the zone
smartfox.onRoomAdded = function(roomObj:Object)
roomList_lb.addItem(roomObj.getName() + " (" + roomObj.getUserCount() + ")", roomObj.getId())
roomList_lb.sortItemsBy("label", "ASC")

// Handles a new room deleted in the zone
smartfox.onRoomDeleted = function(roomObj:Object)
for (var i = 0; i < roomList_lb.getLength(); i++)
if (roomObj.getId() == roomList_lb.getItemAt(i).data)

// Sends a new public chat message to the other users
function sendChatMsg()
if (input_txt.text.length > 0)
input_txt.text = ""

// Handle changes in the roomList listbox
function changeRoom()
var item:Object = roomList_lb.getSelectedItem()

// new Room id
var newRoom:String = item.data

if (newRoom != smartfox.activeRoomId)
// Check if new room is password protected
var priv:Boolean = smartfox.getRoom(newRoom).isPrivate()

if (priv)
// Save newroom as _global for later use
_global.newRoom = newRoom

// Pass the room id

// Create my Avatar
// Randomly generate the x,y position and a color
// Then initiliaze my user variables saving:
// px = mc._x position
// py = mc._y position
// col = avatar color
// init = a flag, that tells that the avatar is initializing
function setupMyAvatar()
if (!inited)
var col:Number = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1

myAvatar = avatarMC.attachMovie("avatar", "avatar_" + smartfox.myUserId, 99999)

myAvatar.name.text = _global.myName

var px:Number = int(Math.random() * (areaW - myAvatar._width / 2))
var py:Number = int(Math.random() * (areaH - myAvatar._height / 2))

myAvatar._x = px
myAvatar._y = py

// Store the avatar position on the server
smartfox.setUserVariables({px:px, py:py, col:col, init:true})

// Testing ONLY!!!
trace("Variables SET")
trace("myID : " + smartfox.myUserId)
var self = smartfox.getRoom(smartfox.activeRoomId).getUser(smartfox.myUserId)
trace("User Obj: " + self)
trace("Vars: " + self.variables)
trace("px: " + self.variables["px"])
trace("py: " + self.variables["py"])

inited = true

// Clean all Avatars from screen, except mine
function cleanAvatars()
for (var mc:String in avatarMC)
if (avatarMC[mc] != myAvatar)

// Enter a password protected room
// This function is being called by the pwdWindow movieclip
function loginProtectedRoom(pwd:String)
smartfox.joinRoom(_global.newRoom, pwd)

// Reset the selected item in the RoomList listbox
// Used when a password protected login has failed
function resetRoomSelected(id:Number)
var status:Boolean = roomList_lb.getEnabled()


for (var i:Number = 0; i < roomList_lb.getLength(); i++)
var item:Object = roomList_lb.getItemAt(i)

if (item.data == id)


// Update the label of a Room in the listbox
// Used when updating the # of users in the room
function updateRoomStatus(roomId:Number)
var room:Room = smartfox.roomList[roomId]

var newLabel:String = room.getName() + " (" + room.getUserCount() + ")"

for (var i:Number = 0; i < roomList_lb.getLength(); i++)
var item:Object = roomList_lb.getItemAt(i)

if (roomId == item.data)
roomList_lb.replaceItemAt(i, newLabel, item.data)

// Log out, and shut down connection
function closeConnection()

Do you see anything wrong?
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Postby BigFIsh » 25 Sep 2011, 19:11

If you're using custom login, you will need to manually set sfs.myUserId and sfs.myUserName upon successful login in order for setUserVariables to work.

Please refer to http://www.smartfoxserver.com/docs/docPages/tutorials_pro/09_secureLogin/index.htm as it will have more information about this.
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Postby Guy71173cp » 26 Sep 2011, 19:29

I read that, but how would I achieve this? Would it be something like this?

Code: Select all

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Postby BigFIsh » 27 Sep 2011, 22:40

Those info need to be passed from the extension upon successful login in which you will then need to manually set them.
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Postby Guy71173cp » 29 Sep 2011, 19:31

So what your saying is, I need to pass these via extension? I thought that wouldn't work? Sorry, I'm SO confused. :?
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Postby BigFIsh » 30 Sep 2011, 17:05

Yes, you need to pass the userId and userName via your zone extension upon successful login. In other words, you send them with your 'logOK' command.
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Postby Guy71173cp » 01 Oct 2011, 14:12

I have this in my extension:

Code: Select all

if (count == 1) {
            trace("SUCCESSFULL LOGIN");
            var obj = _server.loginUser(userName, passWord, SocketChannel);
            if (obj.success) {
               response._cmd = "logOK";
               response.name = userName;

Everything is fine, but when I login, the variables are still not assigned. I also looked at the server, and it said Smartfox is not defined line 44

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