Project Vague - A Sandbox MMO Adventure

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Re: Project Vague - A Sandbox MMO Adventure

Postby idlepeon » 03 Feb 2020, 23:29

Roxyxx wrote:Hello. Any update? For now, the game promises to be great. I am waiting for more :D

Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately the game has been sidelined indefinitely, mostly due to the fact that I was working on it solo and life got in the way. I dabble with it from time to time, but the schedule I was keeping to not only add features, but to share them via social media, wasn't sustainable.

In an ideal world I would be able to work on this full-time, but bills need to be paid, and these days I am 100% dedicated to my freelancing career; at least for the foreseeable future. If my finances and personal life ever happen to provide me the opportunity to continue progress then I will consider pressing further, but for now it exists mostly as something to work on when I am bored and as a playground for myself and my daughter to explore.

It's not officially canceled, but unless I find myself in a position to take the risks involved with releasing it, it might as well be.

TLDR: I could either fund the game myself or afford the time to work on it myself, but doing both simultaneously would have eventually buried me.
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Re: Project Vague - A Sandbox MMO Adventure

Postby xyberviri » 27 Jul 2020, 22:30

I know this is a bit late of a reply, but did you ever consider releasing a template of what you have on the unity asset store?

The game looks pretty cool but honestly id be more interested im a starter Template that has a basic fps/tps controller with planets that have gravity, manteling vehicles and using smartfox for the multiplayer networking layer.

For something like that id be willing to waste money on yet another asset store impulse buy.

I literally have all those synth studio assets and if this was up as a starter kit i would have easiler dropped 50-100 depending on how up to date the integration was and which engine versions i could use because this was exactly what im trying to create.

Making games is fun but if you wanted to make money you should put this up as a starter kit. Since their is literally nothing on the asset store that comes this close and i have wasted hundreds on assets that authors have depreciated.

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