Minor Pitfalls when trying to connect Android and SFS

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Minor Pitfalls when trying to connect Android and SFS

Postby mayank » 27 Aug 2011, 13:30

Ok ... so I tried for over 2-3 hours for getting SmartFox and Android connected and got very little help. I had to go through lot of stuff to see whatever things that could go wrong.

I am just listing them down, hope it helps any newbies like me :

1. Check that your application has internet access ( THIS IS IMPORTANT ).

In your AndroidManifest.xml add this just after start of manifest tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

2. is NOT going to work . So use the IP that people use to access your PC ( assuming you are running SmartFox on your PC ) OR else give IP of the PC on which SmartFox is running.

3. MOST IMPORTANT : SmartFox 2x does not work with JAVA API . I tried with SmartFox Pro and it works. People claim that it works with SmartFox Basic also, but I have not tested it on that so cant claim.

Hope it helps.


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