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A couple warnings from iPhone client

Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 04:12
by intomo
I have integrated the iPhone client into my app.
I'm getting a few warnings.
Any suggestions?

/INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient.m: In function '-[INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient connect:port:]':
/INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient.m:884: warning: class 'INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient' does not implement the 'NSStreamDelegate' protocol
warning: class 'INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient' does not implement the 'NSStreamDelegate' protocol

/RootViewController.m: In function '-[RootViewController onRoomVariablesUpdate:]':
warning: no '-getVariables' method found
(Messages without a matching method signature
will be assumed to return 'id' and accept
'...' as arguments.)


Posted: 02 Feb 2011, 11:43
by rahulvyas
For the point 1.

Replace your @interface in INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient.h

from this
@interface INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient : NSObject<SFSHttpConnectionDelegate>

with this
@interface INFSmartFoxiPhoneClient : NSObject<SFSHttpConnectionDelegate,NSStreamDelegate>

For the point 2.
just import INFSmartFoxRoom.h in your .m file

Posted: 02 Feb 2011, 15:27
by intomo
Thanks so much for your help! That fixed all the issues. :D